A cache when reading files over the network.
A caching system to speed up network I/O, i.e. when there is
no operating system caching support (like the buffer cache for
local disk I/O). The cache makes sure that every I/O is done with
a (large) fixed length buffer thereby avoiding many small I/O's.
Currently the read cache system is used by the classes TNetFile,
TXNetFile and TWebFile (via TFile::ReadBuffers()).
When processing TTree, TChain, a specialized class TTreeCache that
derives from this class is automatically created.
class TFileCacheRead : public TObject
TFilePrefetch *fPrefetch; ///<! Object that does the asynchronous reading in another thread
Int_t fBufferSizeMin; ///< Original size of fBuffer
Int_t fBufferSize; ///< Allocated size of fBuffer (at a given time)
Int_t fBufferLen; ///< Current buffer length (<= fBufferSize)
Long64_t fBytesRead; ///< Number of bytes read for this cache
Long64_t fBytesReadExtra; ///< Number of extra bytes (overhead) read by the readahead buffer
Int_t fReadCalls; ///< Number of read calls for this cache
Long64_t fNoCacheBytesRead; ///< Number of bytes read by basket to fill cached tree
Int_t fNoCacheReadCalls; ///< Number of read calls by basket to fill cached tree
Bool_t fAsyncReading;
Bool_t fEnablePrefetching;///< reading by prefetching asynchronously
Int_t fNseek; ///< Number of blocks to be prefetched
Int_t fNtot; ///< Total size of prefetched blocks
Int_t fNb; ///< Number of long buffers
Int_t fSeekSize; ///< Allocated size of fSeek
Long64_t *fSeek; ///<[fNseek] Position on file of buffers to be prefetched
Long64_t *fSeekSort; ///<[fNseek] Position on file of buffers to be prefetched (sorted)
Int_t *fSeekIndex; ///<[fNseek] sorted index table of fSeek
Long64_t *fPos; ///<[fNb] start of long buffers
Int_t *fSeekLen; ///<[fNseek] Length of buffers to be prefetched
Int_t *fSeekSortLen; ///<[fNseek] Length of buffers to be prefetched (sorted)
Int_t *fSeekPos; ///<[fNseek] Position of sorted blocks in fBuffer
Int_t *fLen; ///<[fNb] Length of long buffers
TFile *fFile; ///< Pointer to file
char *fBuffer; ///<[fBufferSize] buffer of contiguous prefetched blocks
Bool_t fIsSorted; ///< True if fSeek array is sorted
Bool_t fIsTransferred; ///< True when fBuffer contains something valid
Long64_t fPrefetchedBlocks; ///< Number of blocks prefetched.
//variables for the second block prefetched with the same semantics as for the first one
Int_t fBNseek;
Int_t fBNtot;
Int_t fBNb;
Int_t fBSeekSize;
Long64_t *fBSeek; ///<[fBNseek]
Long64_t *fBSeekSort; ///<[fBNseek]
Int_t *fBSeekIndex; ///<[fBNseek]
Long64_t *fBPos; ///<[fBNb]
Int_t *fBSeekLen; ///<[fBNseek]
Int_t *fBSeekSortLen; ///<[fBNseek]
Int_t *fBSeekPos; ///<[fBNseek]
Int_t *fBLen; ///<[fBNb]
Bool_t fBIsSorted;
Bool_t fBIsTransferred;
void SetEnablePrefetchingImpl(Bool_t setPrefetching = kFALSE); // Can not be virtual as it is called from the constructor.
/// TFileCacheRead implementation of SetEnablePrefetching.
/// This function is called from the constructor and should not be virtual.
TFileCacheRead(const TFileCacheRead &); //cannot be copied
TFileCacheRead& operator=(const TFileCacheRead &);
TFileCacheRead(TFile *file, Int_t buffersize, TObject *tree = 0);/// Creates a TFileCacheRead data structure.
virtual ~TFileCacheRead();
virtual Int_t AddBranch(TBranch * /*b*/, Bool_t /*subbranches*/ = kFALSE) { return 0; }
virtual Int_t AddBranch(const char * /*branch*/, Bool_t /*subbranches*/ = kFALSE) { return 0; }
virtual void AddNoCacheBytesRead(Long64_t len) { fNoCacheBytesRead += len; }
virtual void AddNoCacheReadCalls(Int_t reads) { fNoCacheReadCalls += reads; }
virtual void Close(Option_t *option="");
/// Close out any threads or asynchronous fetches used by the underlying
/// implementation.
/// This is called by TFile::Close to prevent usage of the file handles
/// after the closing of the file.
virtual Int_t GetBufferSize() const { return fBufferSize; };
virtual Long64_t GetBytesRead() const { return fBytesRead; }
virtual Long64_t GetNoCacheBytesRead() const { return fNoCacheBytesRead; }
virtual Long64_t GetBytesReadExtra() const { return fBytesReadExtra; }
TFile *GetFile() const { return fFile; } // Return the TFile being cached.
Int_t GetNseek() const { return fNseek; } // Return the number of blocks in the current cache.
Int_t GetNtot() const { return fNtot; } // Return the total size of the prefetched blocks.
virtual Int_t GetReadCalls() const { return fReadCalls; }
virtual Int_t GetNoCacheReadCalls() const { return fNoCacheReadCalls; }
virtual Int_t GetUnzipBuffer(char ** /*buf*/, Long64_t /*pos*/, Int_t /*len*/, Bool_t * /*free*/) { return -1; }
Long64_t GetPrefetchedBlocks() const { return fPrefetchedBlocks; }
virtual Bool_t IsAsyncReading() const { return fAsyncReading; };
virtual void SetEnablePrefetching(Bool_t setPrefetching = kFALSE);
/// Set the prefetching mode of this file.
/// If 'setPrefetching', enable the asynchronous prefetching
/// (using TFilePrefetch) and if the gEnv and rootrc
/// variable Cache.Directory is set, also enable the local
/// caching of the prefetched blocks.
/// if 'setPrefetching', the old prefetcher is enabled is
/// the gEnv and rootrc variable is TFile.AsyncReading
virtual Bool_t IsEnablePrefetching() const { return fEnablePrefetching; };
virtual Bool_t IsLearning() const {return kFALSE;}
virtual void Prefetch(Long64_t pos, Int_t len);
/// Add block of length len at position pos in the list of blocks to
/// be prefetched. If pos <= 0 the current blocks (if any) are reset.
virtual void Print(Option_t *option="") const;
/// Print cache statistics.
/// The format is:
/// ******TreeCache statistics for file: cms2.root ******
/// Reading............................: 72761843 bytes in 7 transactions
/// Readahead..........................: 256000 bytes with overhead = 0 bytes
/// Average transaction................: 10394.549000 Kbytes
/// Number of blocks in current cache..: 210, total size: 6280352
/// If option = "a" the list of blocks in the cache is printed
/// NB: this function is automatically called by TTreeCache::Print
virtual Int_t ReadBufferExt(char *buf, Long64_t pos, Int_t len, Int_t &loc);
virtual Int_t ReadBufferExtNormal(char *buf, Long64_t pos, Int_t len, Int_t &loc);
/// Base function for ReadBuffer.
/// Also gives out the position of the block in the internal buffer.
/// This helps TTreeCacheUnzip to avoid doing twice the binary search.
virtual Int_t ReadBufferExtPrefetch(char *buf, Long64_t pos, Int_t len, Int_t &loc);
///prefetch the first block
virtual Int_t ReadBuffer(char *buf, Long64_t pos, Int_t len);
/// Read buffer at position pos.
/// If pos is in the list of prefetched blocks read from fBuffer,
/// otherwise need to make a normal read from file. Returns -1 in case of
/// read error, 0 in case not in cache, 1 in case read from cache.
virtual Int_t SetBufferSize(Int_t buffersize);
/// Sets the buffer size.
/// If the current prefetch list is too large to fit in
/// the new buffer some or all of the prefetch blocks are dropped. The
/// requested buffersize must be greater than zero.
/// Return values:
/// - 0 if the prefetch block lists remain unchanged
/// - 1 if some or all blocks have been removed from the prefetch list
/// - -1 on error
virtual void SetFile(TFile *file, TFile::ECacheAction action = TFile::kDisconnect);
/// Set the file using this cache and reset the current blocks (if any).
virtual void SetSkipZip(Bool_t /*skip*/ = kTRUE) {} // This function is only used by TTreeCacheUnzip (ignore it)
virtual void Sort();
/// Sort buffers to be prefetched in increasing order of positions.
/// Merge consecutive blocks if necessary.
virtual void SecondSort(); //Method used to sort and merge the chunks in the second block
/// Sort buffers to be prefetched in increasing order of positions.
/// Merge consecutive blocks if necessary.
virtual void SecondPrefetch(Long64_t, Int_t); //Used to add chunks to the second block
virtual TFilePrefetch* GetPrefetchObj();
virtual void WaitFinishPrefetch(); //Gracefully join the prefetching thread