
TGNumberEntryField 继承 TGTextEntry, TGNumberFormat

TGNumberEntry 继承 TGCompositeFrame, TGWidget, TGNumberFormat



class TGNumberFormat {
   enum EStyle {             // Style of number entry field
      kNESInteger = 0,       // Integer
      kNESRealOne = 1,       // Fixed fraction real, one digit
      kNESRealTwo = 2,       // Fixed fraction real, two digit
      kNESRealThree = 3,     // Fixed fraction real, three digit
      kNESRealFour = 4,      // Fixed fraction real, four digit
      kNESReal = 5,          // Real number
      kNESDegree = 6,        // Degree
      kNESMinSec = 7,        // Minute:seconds
      kNESHourMin = 8,       // Hour:minutes
      kNESHourMinSec = 9,    // Hour:minute:seconds
      kNESDayMYear = 10,     // Day/month/year
      kNESMDayYear = 11,     // Month/day/year
      kNESHex = 12           // Hex

   enum EAttribute {         // Attributes of number entry field
      kNEAAnyNumber = 0,     // Any number
      kNEANonNegative = 1,   // Non-negative number
      kNEAPositive = 2       // Positive number

   enum ELimit {             // Limit selection of number entry field
      kNELNoLimits = 0,      // No limits
      kNELLimitMin = 1,      // Lower limit only
      kNELLimitMax = 2,      // Upper limit only
      kNELLimitMinMax = 3    // Both lower and upper limits

   enum EStepSize {          // Step for number entry field increase
      kNSSSmall = 0,         // Small step
      kNSSMedium = 1,        // Medium step
      kNSSLarge = 2,         // Large step
      kNSSHuge = 3           // Huge step

   virtual ~TGNumberFormat() { }
   ClassDef(TGNumberFormat,0)  // Class defining namespace for several enums used by TGNumberEntry


   TGNumberEntryField(const TGWindow *p, Int_t id,
                      Double_t val, GContext_t norm,
                      FontStruct_t font = GetDefaultFontStruct(),
                      UInt_t option = kSunkenFrame | kDoubleBorder,
                      Pixel_t back = GetWhitePixel());
   TGNumberEntryField(const TGWindow *parent = 0,
                      Int_t id = -1, Double_t val = 0,
                      EStyle style = kNESReal,
                      EAttribute attr = kNEAAnyNumber,
                      ELimit limits = kNELNoLimits,
                      Double_t min = 0, Double_t max = 1);

   virtual void SetNumber(Double_t val);
   virtual void SetIntNumber(Long_t val);
   virtual void SetTime(Int_t hour, Int_t min, Int_t sec);
   virtual void SetDate(Int_t year, Int_t month, Int_t day);
   virtual void SetHexNumber(ULong_t val);
   virtual void SetText(const char* text, Bool_t emit = kTRUE);

   virtual Double_t GetNumber() const;
   virtual Long_t   GetIntNumber() const;
   virtual void     GetTime(Int_t& hour, Int_t& min, Int_t& sec) const;
   virtual void     GetDate(Int_t& year, Int_t& month, Int_t& day) const;
   virtual ULong_t  GetHexNumber() const;

   virtual Int_t GetCharWidth(const char* text = "0") const;
   virtual void  IncreaseNumber(EStepSize step = kNSSSmall,
                                Int_t sign = 1, Bool_t logstep = kFALSE);
   virtual void  SetFormat(EStyle style,
                           EAttribute attr = kNEAAnyNumber);
   virtual void  SetLimits(ELimit limits = kNELNoLimits,
                           Double_t min = 0, Double_t max = 1);
   virtual void  SetState(Bool_t state);
   virtual void  SetLogStep(Bool_t on = kTRUE) {
      // Set logarithmic steps
      fStepLog = on; }

   virtual EStyle GetNumStyle() const {
      // Get the numerical style
      return fNumStyle; }
   virtual EAttribute GetNumAttr() const {
      // Get the numerical attribute
      return fNumAttr; }
   virtual ELimit GetNumLimits() const {
      // Get the numerialc limit attribute
      return fNumLimits; }
   virtual Double_t GetNumMin() const {
      // Get the lower limit
      return fNumMin; }
   virtual Double_t GetNumMax() const {
      // Get the upper limit
      return fNumMax; }
   virtual Bool_t IsLogStep() const {
      // Is log step enabled?
      return fStepLog; }

   virtual Bool_t HandleKey(Event_t* event);
   virtual Bool_t HandleFocusChange (Event_t* event);
   virtual void   TextChanged(const char *text = 0);
   virtual void   ReturnPressed();
   virtual void   Layout();
   virtual Bool_t IsEditable() const { return kFALSE; }
   virtual void   InvalidInput(const char *instr) { Emit("InvalidInput(char*)", instr); }   //*SIGNAL*
   virtual void   SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t * = "");


   TGNumberEntry(const TGWindow *parent = 0, Double_t val = 0,
                 Int_t digitwidth = 5, Int_t id = -1,
                 EStyle style = kNESReal,
                 EAttribute attr = kNEAAnyNumber,
                 ELimit limits = kNELNoLimits,
                 Double_t min = 0, Double_t max = 1);
   virtual ~TGNumberEntry();

   virtual void SetNumber(Double_t val) {
      // Set the numeric value (floating point representation)
      fNumericEntry->SetNumber(val); }
   virtual void SetIntNumber(Long_t val) {
      // Set the numeric value (integer representation)
      fNumericEntry->SetIntNumber(val); }
   virtual void SetTime(Int_t hour, Int_t min, Int_t sec) {
      // Set the numeric value (time format)
      fNumericEntry->SetTime(hour, min, sec); }
   virtual void SetDate(Int_t year, Int_t month, Int_t day) {
      // Set the numeric value (date format)
      fNumericEntry->SetDate(year, month, day); }
   virtual void SetHexNumber(ULong_t val) {
      // Set the numeric value (hex format)
      fNumericEntry->SetHexNumber(val); }
   virtual void SetText(const char* text) {
      // Set the value (text format)
      fNumericEntry->SetText(text); }
   virtual void SetState(Bool_t enable = kTRUE);

   virtual Double_t GetNumber() const {
      // Get the numeric value (floating point representation)
      return fNumericEntry->GetNumber(); }
   virtual Long_t GetIntNumber() const {
      // Get the numeric value (integer representation)
      return fNumericEntry->GetIntNumber (); }
   virtual void GetTime(Int_t& hour, Int_t& min, Int_t& sec) const {
      // Get the numeric value (time format)
      fNumericEntry->GetTime(hour, min, sec); }
   virtual void GetDate(Int_t& year, Int_t& month, Int_t& day) const {
      // Get the numeric value (date format)
      fNumericEntry->GetDate(year, month, day); }
   virtual ULong_t GetHexNumber() const {
      // Get the numeric value (hex format)
      return fNumericEntry->GetHexNumber(); }
   virtual void IncreaseNumber(EStepSize step = kNSSSmall,
                               Int_t sign = 1, Bool_t logstep = kFALSE) {
      // Increase the number value
      fNumericEntry->IncreaseNumber(step, sign, logstep); }
   virtual void SetFormat(EStyle style, EAttribute attr = TGNumberFormat::kNEAAnyNumber) {
      // Set the numerical format
      fNumericEntry->SetFormat(style, attr); }
   virtual void SetLimits(ELimit limits = TGNumberFormat::kNELNoLimits,
                          Double_t min = 0, Double_t max = 1) {
      // Set the numerical limits.
      fNumericEntry->SetLimits(limits, min, max); }

   virtual EStyle GetNumStyle() const {
      // Get the numerical style
      return fNumericEntry->GetNumStyle(); }
   virtual EAttribute GetNumAttr() const {
      // Get the numerical attribute
      return fNumericEntry->GetNumAttr(); }
   virtual ELimit GetNumLimits() const {
      // Get the numerical limit attribute
      return fNumericEntry->GetNumLimits(); }
   virtual Double_t GetNumMin() const {
      // Get the lower limit
      return fNumericEntry->GetNumMin(); }
   virtual Double_t GetNumMax() const {
      // Get the upper limit
      return fNumericEntry->GetNumMax(); }
   virtual Bool_t IsLogStep() const {
      // Is log step enabled?
      return fNumericEntry->IsLogStep(); }
   virtual void   SetButtonToNum(Bool_t state);

   void SetNumStyle(EStyle style) {
         SetFormat(style, GetNumAttr()); }                  //*SUBMENU*
   void SetNumAttr(EAttribute attr = kNEAAnyNumber) {
         SetFormat(GetNumStyle(), attr); }                  //*SUBMENU*
   void SetNumLimits(ELimit limits = kNELNoLimits) {
         SetLimits(limits, GetNumMin(), GetNumMax());  }    //*SUBMENU*
   void SetLimitValues(Double_t min = 0, Double_t max = 1) {
         SetLimits(GetNumLimits(), min, max);  }            //*MENU*
   virtual void SetLogStep(Bool_t on = kTRUE);              //*TOGGLE* *GETTER=IsLogStep

   virtual void   Associate(const TGWindow *w);
   virtual Bool_t ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t parm2);
   virtual void   ValueChanged(Long_t val);     //*SIGNAL*
   virtual void   ValueSet(Long_t val);         //*SIGNAL*

   TGNumberEntryField *GetNumberEntry() const {
      // Get the number entry field
      return fNumericEntry; }
   TGButton *GetButtonUp() const {
      // Get the up button
      return fButtonUp; }
   TGButton *GetButtonDown() const {
      // Get the down button
      return fButtonDown; }

   virtual Bool_t IsEditable() const { return kFALSE; }

   UInt_t GetDefaultHeight() const { return fNumericEntry->GetDefaultHeight(); }
   virtual void SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t * = "");
   virtual TGLayoutManager *GetLayoutManager() const;


#include "TGNumberEntry.h"

// TGNumberEntry
TGNumberEntry *fYearEntry = new TGNumberEntry(frame, 2016/*初始值*/, 5/*能容纳位数*/, IDs,TGNumberFormat::kNESInteger,TGNumberFormat::kNEAPositive,TGNumberFormat::kNELLimitMin, 1995/*min*/,2020/*max*/);
frame->AddFrame(fYearEntry, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, 5, 5, 2, 2));
// fYearEntry->Connect("ValueSet(Long_t)", "MyMainFrame", this, "DoSetlabel()");
// (fYearEntry->GetNumberEntry())->Connect("ReturnPressed()", "MyMainFrame", this,"DoSetlabel()");


© Hongyi Wu            updated: 2019-03-31 11:21:17

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