Encapsulate a graphics context used in the low level graphics.
TGGCPool provides a pool of graphics contexts.
TGGC 继承 TObject, TRefCnt, friend TGGCPool
TGGCPool 继承 TGObject , friend TGGC
TGGC(GCValues_t *values = 0);/// Create a graphics context, registers GC in GCPool.
TGGC(const TGGC &g);/// Copy a graphics context.
virtual ~TGGC();
TGGC &operator=(const TGGC &rhs);
GContext_t GetGC() const { return fContext; }
GContext_t operator()() const;
void SetAttributes(GCValues_t *values);/// Set attributes as specified in the values structure.
void SetFunction(EGraphicsFunction v);/// Set graphics context drawing function.
void SetPlaneMask(ULong_t v);/// Set plane mask.
void SetForeground(Pixel_t v);/// Set foreground color.
void SetBackground(Pixel_t v);/// Set background color.
void SetLineWidth(Int_t v);/// Set line width.
void SetLineStyle(Int_t v);/// Set line style (kLineSolid, kLineOnOffDash, kLineDoubleDash).
void SetCapStyle(Int_t v);/// Set cap style (kCapNotLast, kCapButt, kCapRound, kCapProjecting).
void SetJoinStyle(Int_t v);/// Set line join style (kJoinMiter, kJoinRound, kJoinBevel).
void SetFillStyle(Int_t v);/// Set fill style (kFillSolid, kFillTiled, kFillStippled, kFillOpaeueStippled).
void SetFillRule(Int_t v);/// Set fill rule (kEvenOddRule, kWindingRule).
void SetTile(Pixmap_t v);/// Set tile pixmap for tiling operations.
void SetStipple(Pixmap_t v);/// Set 1 plane pixmap for stippling.
void SetTileStipXOrigin(Int_t v);/// X offset for tile or stipple operations.
void SetTileStipYOrigin(Int_t v);/// Y offset for tile or stipple operations.
void SetFont(FontH_t v);/// Set font.
void SetSubwindowMode(Int_t v);/// Set sub window mode (kClipByChildren, kIncludeInferiors).
void SetGraphicsExposures(Bool_t v);/// True if graphics exposure should be generated.
void SetClipXOrigin(Int_t v);/// X origin for clipping.
void SetClipYOrigin(Int_t v);/// Y origin for clipping.
void SetClipMask(Pixmap_t v);/// Bitmap for clipping.
void SetDashOffset(Int_t v);/// Patterned/dashed line offset.
void SetDashList(const char v[], Int_t len);/// Set dash pattern. First use SetDashOffset() if not 0.
void SetArcMode(Int_t v);/// Set arc mode (kArcChord, kArcPieSlice).
const GCValues_t *GetAttributes() const { return &fValues; }
Mask_t GetMask() const { return fValues.fMask; }
EGraphicsFunction GetFunction() const { return fValues.fFunction; }
ULong_t GetPlaneMask() const { return fValues.fPlaneMask; }
Pixel_t GetForeground() const { return fValues.fForeground; }
Pixel_t GetBackground() const { return fValues.fBackground; }
Int_t GetLineWidth() const { return fValues.fLineWidth; }
Int_t GetLineStyle() const { return fValues.fLineStyle; }
Pixmap_t GetTile() const { return fValues.fTile; }
Pixmap_t GetStipple() const { return fValues.fStipple; }
Int_t GetTileStipXOrigin() const { return fValues.fTsXOrigin; }
Int_t GetTileStipYOrigin() const { return fValues.fTsYOrigin; }
Int_t GetSubwindowMode() const { return fValues.fSubwindowMode; }
FontH_t GetFont() const { return fValues.fFont; }
Bool_t GetGraphicsExposures() const { return fValues.fGraphicsExposures; }
Int_t GetClipXOrigin() const { return fValues.fClipXOrigin; }
Int_t GetClipYOrigin() const { return fValues.fClipYOrigin; }
Pixmap_t GetClipMask() const { return fValues.fClipMask; }
Int_t GetCapStyle() const { return fValues.fCapStyle; }
Int_t GetJoinStyle() const { return fValues.fJoinStyle; }
Int_t GetFillStyle() const { return fValues.fFillStyle; }
Int_t GetFillRule() const { return fValues.fFillRule; }
Int_t GetDashOffset() const { return fValues.fDashOffset; }
Int_t GetDashLen() const { return fValues.fDashLen; }
const char *GetDashes() const { return fValues.fDashes; }
Int_t GetArcMode() const { return fValues.fArcMode; }
void Print(Option_t *option="") const;/// Print graphics contexts info.
void SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t *option = "");
/// Save graphics context info as a C++ statement(s) on output stream out
TGGCPool(TGClient *client);
virtual ~TGGCPool();
TGGC *GetGC(GCValues_t *values, Bool_t rw = kFALSE);
/// Get the best matching graphics context depending on values.
/// If rw is false only a readonly, not modifiable graphics context
/// is returned. If rw is true a new modifiable graphics context is
/// returned.
TGGC *GetGC(GContext_t gct);/// returns graphics context based on its GContext_t handle.
void FreeGC(const TGGC *gc);/// Delete graphics context if it is not used anymore.
void FreeGC(GContext_t gc);/// Delete graphics context if it is not used anymore.
TGGC *FindGC(const TGGC *gc);
/// Find graphics context. Returns 0 in case gc is not found.
TGGC *FindGC(GContext_t gc);
/// Find graphics context based on its GContext_t handle. Returns 0
/// in case gc is not found.
void Print(Option_t *option="") const;/// List all graphics contexts in the pool.