TGDimension, TGPosition, TGLongPosition, TGInsets and TGRectangle
Several small geometry classes that implement dimensions
(width and height), positions (x and y), insets and rectangles.
They are trivial and their members are public.
UInt_t fWidth; // width
UInt_t fHeight; // height
TGDimension(): fWidth(0), fHeight(0) { }
TGDimension(UInt_t width, UInt_t height): fWidth(width), fHeight(height) { }
TGDimension(const TGDimension &d): fWidth(d.fWidth), fHeight(d.fHeight) { }
virtual ~TGDimension() { }
Bool_t operator==(const TGDimension &b) const
{ return ((fWidth == b.fWidth) && (fHeight == b.fHeight)); }
TGDimension operator-(const TGDimension &b) const
{ return TGDimension(fWidth - b.fWidth, fHeight - b.fHeight); }
TGDimension operator+(const TGDimension &b) const
{ return TGDimension(fWidth + b.fWidth, fHeight + b.fHeight); }
Int_t fX; // x position
Int_t fY; // y position
TGPosition(): fX(0), fY(0) { }
TGPosition(Int_t xc, Int_t yc): fX(xc), fY(yc) { }
TGPosition(const TGPosition &p): fX(p.fX), fY(p.fY) { }
virtual ~TGPosition() { }
Bool_t operator==(const TGPosition &b) const
{ return ((fX == b.fX) && (fY == b.fY)); }
TGPosition operator-(const TGPosition &b) const
{ return TGPosition(fX - b.fX, fY - b.fY); }
TGPosition operator+(const TGPosition &b) const
{ return TGPosition(fX + b.fX, fY + b.fY); }
Long_t fX; // x position
Long_t fY; // y position
TGLongPosition(): fX(0), fY(0) { }
TGLongPosition(Long_t xc, Long_t yc): fX(xc), fY(yc) { }
TGLongPosition(const TGLongPosition &p): fX(p.fX), fY(p.fY) { }
virtual ~TGLongPosition() { }
Bool_t operator==(const TGLongPosition &b) const
{ return ((fX == b.fX) && (fY == b.fY)); }
TGLongPosition operator-(const TGLongPosition &b) const
{ return TGLongPosition(fX - b.fX, fY - b.fY); }
TGLongPosition operator+(const TGLongPosition &b) const
{ return TGLongPosition(fX + b.fX, fY + b.fY); }
Int_t fL; // left
Int_t fR; // right
Int_t fT; // top
Int_t fB; // bottom
TGInsets(): fL(0), fR(0), fT(0), fB(0) { }
TGInsets(Int_t lf, Int_t rg, Int_t tp, Int_t bt):
fL(lf), fR(rg), fT(tp), fB(bt) { }
TGInsets(const TGInsets &in):
fL(in.fL), fR(in.fR), fT(in.fT), fB(in.fB) { }
virtual ~TGInsets() { }
Bool_t operator==(const TGInsets &in) const
{ return ((fL == in.fL) && (fR == in.fR) && (fT == in.fT) && (fB == in.fB)); }
Int_t fX; // x position
Int_t fY; // y position
UInt_t fW; // width
UInt_t fH; // height
// constructors
TGRectangle(): fX(0), fY(0), fW(0), fH(0) { Empty(); }
TGRectangle(Int_t rx, Int_t ry, UInt_t rw, UInt_t rh):
fX(rx), fY(ry), fW(rw), fH(rh) { }
TGRectangle(const TGPosition &p, const TGDimension &d):
fX(p.fX), fY(p.fY), fW(d.fWidth), fH(d.fHeight) { }
TGRectangle(const TGRectangle &r):
fX(r.fX), fY(r.fY), fW(r.fW), fH(r.fH) { }
virtual ~TGRectangle() { }
// methods
Bool_t Contains(Int_t px, Int_t py) const
{ return ((px >= fX) && (px < fX + (Int_t) fW) &&
(py >= fY) && (py < fY + (Int_t) fH)); }
Bool_t Contains(const TGPosition &p) const
{ return ((p.fX >= fX) && (p.fX < fX + (Int_t) fW) &&
(p.fY >= fY) && (p.fY < fY + (Int_t) fH)); }
Bool_t Intersects(const TGRectangle &r) const
{ return ((fX <= r.fX + (Int_t) r.fW - 1) && (fX + (Int_t) fW - 1 >= r.fX) &&
(fY <= r.fY + (Int_t) r.fH - 1) && (fY + (Int_t) fH - 1 >= r.fY)); }
Int_t Area() const
{ return (fW * fH); }
TGDimension Size() const
{ return TGDimension(fW, fH); }
TGPosition LeftTop() const
{ return TGPosition(fX, fY); }
TGPosition RightBottom() const
{ return TGPosition(fX + (Int_t) fW - 1, fY + (Int_t) fH - 1); }
void Merge(const TGRectangle &r);// Merge parameters
void Empty() { fX = fY = 0; fW = fH = 0; }
Bool_t IsEmpty() const { return ((fW == 0) && (fH == 0)); }