TGView 继承 TGCompositeFrame, TGWidget , friend TGViewFrame
TGViewFrame 继承 TGCompositeFrame
A TGView provides the infrastructure for text viewer and editor
widgets. It provides a canvas (TGViewFrame) and (optionally) a
vertical and horizontal scrollbar and methods for marking and
The TGView (and derivatives) will generate the following event messages:
- kC_TEXTVIEW, kTXT_ISMARKED, widget id, [true|false]
- kC_TEXTVIEW, kTXT_DATACHANGE, widget id, 0
- kC_TEXTVIEW, kTXT_CLICK2, widget id, position (y << 16) | x)
- kC_TEXTVIEW, kTXT_CLICK3, widget id, position (y << 16) | x)
- kC_TEXTVIEW, kTXT_F3, widget id, true
- kC_TEXTVIEW, kTXT_OPEN, widget id, 0
- kC_TEXTVIEW, kTXT_CLOSE, widget id, 0
- kC_TEXTVIEW, kTXT_SAVE, widget id, 0
enum { kNoHSB = BIT(0), kNoVSB = BIT(1) };
enum { kHorizontal = 0, kVertical = 1 };
TGView(const TGWindow *p = 0, UInt_t w = 1, UInt_t h = 1, Int_t id = -1,
UInt_t xMargin = 0, UInt_t yMargin = 0,
UInt_t options = kSunkenFrame | kDoubleBorder,
UInt_t sboptions = 0,
Pixel_t back = GetWhitePixel());
/// Create an editor view, containing an TGEditorFrame and (optionally)
/// a horizontal and vertical scrollbar.
virtual ~TGView();/// Delete view.
TGViewFrame *GetCanvas() const { return fCanvas; }
virtual void Clear(Option_t * = "");/// Clear view.
virtual void SetVisibleStart(Int_t newTop, Int_t direction);
/// Scroll view in specified direction to make newTop the visible location.
virtual void ScrollCanvas(Int_t newTop, Int_t direction);
/// Scroll the canvas to new_top in the kVertical or kHorizontal direction.
virtual Bool_t ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t parm2);
virtual void DrawBorder();/// Draw the border of the text edit widget.
virtual void Layout();/// layout view
virtual void SetLayoutManager(TGLayoutManager*) { }
virtual void DrawRegion(Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t width, UInt_t height);
virtual void ScrollToPosition(TGLongPosition newPos);/// Scroll the canvas to pos.
void ScrollUp(Int_t pixels)
{ ScrollToPosition(TGLongPosition(fVisible.fX, fVisible.fY + pixels)); }
void ScrollDown(Int_t pixels)
{ ScrollToPosition(TGLongPosition(fVisible.fX, fVisible.fY - pixels)); }
void ScrollLeft(Int_t pixels)
{ ScrollToPosition(TGLongPosition(fVisible.fX + pixels, fVisible.fY)); }
void ScrollRight(Int_t pixels)
{ ScrollToPosition(TGLongPosition(fVisible.fX - pixels, fVisible.fY)); }
virtual TGDimension GetDefaultSize() const { return TGDimension(fWidth, fHeight); }
TGDimension GetVirtualSize() const { return fVirtualSize; }
TGLongPosition GetScrollValue() const { return fScrollVal; }
TGLongPosition GetScrollPosition() const { return fVisible; }
TGLongPosition ToVirtual(TGLongPosition coord) const { return coord + fVisible; }
TGLongPosition ToPhysical(TGLongPosition coord) const { return coord - fVisible; }
virtual Bool_t HandleButton(Event_t *event);/// handle button
virtual Bool_t HandleExpose(Event_t *event);/// Handle expose events.
virtual void ChangeBackground(Pixel_t);/// Change background color of the canvas frame.
virtual void SetBackgroundColor(Pixel_t);/// Set background color of the canvas frame.
virtual void SetBackgroundPixmap(Pixmap_t p);/// Set backgound pixmap
virtual void UpdateBackgroundStart();/// set some gc values
const TGGC &GetViewWhiteGC() { return fWhiteGC; }
TGViewFrame(TGView *v, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, UInt_t options = 0,
Pixel_t back = GetWhitePixel());
Bool_t HandleSelectionRequest(Event_t *event)
{ return fView->HandleSelectionRequest(event); }
Bool_t HandleSelectionClear(Event_t *event)
{ return fView->HandleSelectionClear(event); }
Bool_t HandleSelection(Event_t *event)
{ return fView->HandleSelection(event); }
Bool_t HandleButton(Event_t *event)
{ return fView->HandleButton(event); }
Bool_t HandleExpose(Event_t *event)
{ return fView->HandleExpose(event); }
Bool_t HandleCrossing(Event_t *event)
{ return fView->HandleCrossing(event); }
Bool_t HandleMotion(Event_t *event)
{ return fView->HandleMotion(event); }
Bool_t HandleKey(Event_t *event)
{ return fView->HandleKey(event); }
Bool_t HandleDoubleClick(Event_t *event)
{ return fView->HandleDoubleClick(event); }